Dr. Stuart Silverman, MD
A Medical Corporation
New Patients
How do I make an appointment?
You may call our office and speak to our receptionist, Lisa, between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30. We take off 12:00 to 1:30 for lunch. Lisa’s phone number is 310-358-2234
What areas of rheumatology care does Dr. Silverman have expertise?
Dr. Silverman has extensive experience in rheumatology having served as clinical chief of rheumatology at the West Los Angeles VA Hospital and is clinical Professor of medicine and rheumatology at both Cedar Sinai Medical Center UCLA. His areas of special expertise include osteoporosis, metabolic bone disease as well as osteoarthritis and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, dysautonomia and chronic fatigue.
How much experience does he have in osteoporosis?
Dr. Silverman is a recognized international thought leader in osteoporosis and bone health. He serves on the council of scientific advisers of the International Osteoporosis Foundation. He has recently published a book on the safety of osteoporosis and occasions. He is a member of the National Bone Health ICER working group on the effectiveness and value of osteoporosis therapies.
How much experience does he have in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue?
Dr. Silverman has considerable experience in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
He organized the first international symposium in fibromyalgia FAME in 2000 almost 17 years ago. He has served as the medical editor of Fibromyalgia Aware Magazine. He founded and directed the Fibromyalgia Rehabilitation Program at Cedars Sinai Medical Center over 10 years ago.
How much experience does he have in osteoarthritis?
Dr Silverman has participated in an NIH sponsored trial in osteoarthritis and is currently an investigator in multiple osteoarthritis trials.
Existing Patients
How do I make an appointment?
You may call our office and speak to our receptionist, Lisa, between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30. We take off 12:00 to 1:30 for lunch. Lisa’s phone number is 310-358-2234
I want to contact Dr Silverman
Please use our Patient Portal to contact him. You may also email him at: stuarts@bhillsra.com
I need a prescription refill
Prescription refills are done during regular business hours only. Please have your pharmacy contact us directly electronically (preferred) or by fax to 3106592841. If this is a new medicine for you please contact us through the patient portal. Refills are done during lunch hour or end of day.
I want to contact a member of Dr Silverman’s staff
You may directly email Roz, the nurse, at rozj@bhillsra.com. If you have questions about prior authorizations or forms or need a copy of your records please email records@bhillsra.com.
I want to find out my lab results
Your lab results and their interpretation are posted on our patient portal within 24 hours of our receipt. Please remember bone markers take up to two weeks. You will receive an email with a link to your lab results.
I have a billing question
Please email our biller: rwaheed@bhillsra.com. Please also cc Ninav@bhillsra.com who works with Rana.